Booking a Hotel Room as an 18 Year Old

Booking a Hotel Room as an 18 Year Old

How to Find Hotels for 18 Year Olds?

The only sure way to know if a hotel will let you check in is to call it up and ask. However, there are tools that can help you narrow down the field. One of the best sites for finding youth permitting hotels is Hotel Ages. for finding hotels for 18 year olds

With this site, you look up the city you want to stay in and use the easy interactive map to find 18+ friendly hotels near that area.

There’s also, but they have more limited results and is not as easy to navigate.

Why Doesn’t Every Hotel Let 18 Year Olds Book?

Even though you may be considered a legal adult in terms of the law, there are still various industries where your youthful energy is considered too much of a liability. Car rentals almost universally will not let someone under 21 rent a car, and you generally have to pay extra fees until your 25.

Hotels often don’t trust young people with a room to themselves because they don’t want to be liable for youthful proclivities. Luckily there are still lodging options in just about every city for people under 21.

Watch out for Deposits

Occasionally a hotel may let someone 18 years old book a room, but they will be required to put down a larger deposit. Make sure you have extra cash, or a credit card on hand. If a hotel does this it’s usually pretty deep in the fine print. I know you kids think it’s cool, but do your best not to trash the room.

Alternatives To Staying In Hotels

Hotels are usually the most expensive and restrictive way to spend the night, if you’re feeling adventurous you can try one of these alternatives.

The minimum age for Airbnb is 18, so you have your pick of any properties. Just remember you need to have your host accept you. Don’t plan on having any parties and generally inviting other people over is frowned upon.

  • Camping
You can camp in any state park if you’re at least 18. Camping can save you a lot of money over hotels and it can help you really get a feel for an area too. Some private campgrounds even let those under 18 camp out.

  • Sleep in your car
Then there’s your last resort. There’s no shame in crawling into your backseat and trying to get a few Zs on a long road trip. You can’t beat the price, just make sure you pick a good place to park your car where security or law enforcement isn’t going to harass you. Most other people will leave you alone. Also there’s absolutely no age restriction for doing this! If you have access to a car you can sleep anywhere. It’s what truck drivers do.