If you love to travel, as I do, you’ll probably also enjoy reading about other people’s travel experiences. Here are my favorite blogs that offer advice and tips about hotels.
1. savoirthere.com. Jaillan Yehia writes with great flair, identifying the top stylish hotels in all parts of the world and she also includes travel tips and reviews. http://www.savoirthere.com/
2. i-escape travel blog. This British blog reviews unusual destinations and quirky hotels, providing an independent, highly researched, interactive travel guide. http://www.i-escape.com/blog/
3. Overnight New York. What I like about this travel writer, Terry Trucco, is that she’s not afraid to offer her honest opinion on a wide variety of places she has stayed. http://overnightnewyork.com
4. Secretplaces. Established in 2000 by Michael Bendixen and Beatriz Parra Stucky, this great blog identifies exceptional hotels and lodgings. http://www.secretplaces.com/
5. Honest Omissions. Ryan C. Haynes offers a gay guide to the world of travel including some informative posts on troubleshooting hooking up to hotel Wi-Fi, the implications of hotel loyalty and the future of independent booking. http://ryanchaynes.blogspot.fr
6. andyhayler.com. A renowned food writer, I read Andy Hayler’s blog when I’m considering which restaurants and hotels offer the best dining experience. http://www.andyhayler.com
7. The Sanctuary of an Independent Lady. Richelle Louise Banta’s posts come with great photos of everything from the interiors of rooms, food served and local amenities, giving a detailed overview of every place she visits. http://misslouisechelle.blogspot.com
8. Rick Steve’s Europe through the back door. Rick Steve organizes small tour groups in Europe, complete with guides, interesting itineraries and the best of the small and unusual hotels. I like to check out his blog and tour itineraries for hints and tips before booking accommodations in Europe. https://blog.ricksteves.com/
9. bangkokboutiquehotels.com. This excellent blog provides a wealth of information on the exotic world of Bangkok and Southeast Asia, and includes a link to make a hotel booking via the Resources tab. http://www.bangkokboutiquehotel.info/
10. Carlos Melia writes independent travel reviews and tips on hotels, restaurants, destinations and travel trends. I like the way he also covers travel apps and recommends other useful websites. https://www.carlosmelia.com/carlosmeliablog
11. Hotel Belle. Annie Fitzsimmons blogs about travel in general and the section on hotels is full of useful advice – she also features her favorite hotel of the week. http://www.anniefitzsimmons.com/hotel-belle-blog
12. The London Foodie. Luiz Hara is a cordon bleu chef and travel writer. He blogs about restaurants and hotels in London and also worldwide (I always head straight for the Delectable Travels tab to see what’s new). http://www.thelondonfoodie.co.uk/
13. Adventurous Kate’s solo female travel blog documents Kate’s global experiences and I love to share her adventures, the new cuisines she tries out and the wonderful hotels and lodgings she finds everyplace she goes. http://www.adventurouskate.com/blog/
14. 10 Hotel Secrets from Behind the Front Desk. Written by front desk expert and author Jacob Tomsky, this is an excellent guide to what goes on behind the scenes in hotels and well worth a read for the insider tips it provides. http://mentalfloss.com/article/50569/10-hotel-secrets-behind-front-desk
15. National Geographic. Finally, for a great collection of travel blogs containing everything from which hotels are the most eco-friendly to how to practice sustainable tourism, I always check the Travel Blogs tab on the National Geographic website. http://intelligenttravel.nationalgeographic.com/